NEW MUSICNigerian Gospel MusicTrending

Chika Williams – My Essence | @Chikawilliams2

chika williams

Chika Williams is back with a soul thawing single titled MY ESSENCE.
The song My Essence is a solemn piece which acknowledges the indispensable nature of God in our daily lives. It expresses more about the person of Jesus to us, Him being our Sum and substance. Him being our lifeblood and vital spark. Its a song full of passion, desire and hunger for more of Jesus in times like these. Jesus is more than enough. Your Essence, My Essence.

Psalms 42:1 As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee O God. Fully loaded to bless your heart. Produced by Dr Brain @iamdrbrain.

Download, listen and be inspired.



[easy_media_download url=”″ force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]


Social Handles

Twitter: @ChikaWilliams2

Instagram: @chika_williams

Facebook: Chika Williams Eze


  1. Keep blazing for God. It blessed my soul. On the technical aspects, there are rooms for continuous improvement.

  2. Thank God Almighty for this beautiful piece. Really inspiring and soul touching. I believe with continuous improvement in the vocals, the best is yet to come from you daughter of Zion.

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