MUSIC: Tru South – You Found Me (Prod by @Kellylyonn) | @2ruSouth


Tru South Popularly Called The Rap Evangelist who is also the leader of the HolyghostGang and A Vital Member of the BLW Rap Nation Marks his birthday with a song of Gratitude to the most high God .for bringing him this far .

The multi talented musician sings his heart out to God in praise and reaffirm his decision of living for jesus everyday.
This is an infusion of softrock , reggae and rap . Produced by kelly lyon Aka Spiritual beatz and recorded at omni studios . This is a gift to the world as it represents progress and growth in the right direction .-

….A special song showing gratitude to God for his faithfulness in my life .This is a gift to everyone who NEVER gave up on me from the dungeons of the streets to the throne room of God .WE MADE IT ..


[easy_media_download url=”″ force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]


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