AUDIO: Molly B – Jesus | @mollybsings

Molly B

MOLLY BROWN MALUMI (MollyB) is a dynamic singer and songwriter and is here with her debut single titled ”JESUS”.

The name Jesus is above every name! We pray in His name, give thanks in His name, and His name gives us His power! If you’r struggling in any way, ‘JESUS is the song for you.

We were asked to proceed on a two week fasting and prayer exercise. On the second day of this spiritual exercise, this song came to me. At first it was a verse without chorus so all I was singing was ‘some may trust in horses etc.. Not until few days later when I began to hear that name ‘Jesus’. It was reoccurring in my head. And that was it. The production of this song Jesus is one project I will never forget.

Immediately I made up my mind to start all necessary procedure for the production and release of this song, I started experiencing all sort of challenge. It seemed as though the devil was fighting what God is about to do with this song. I still kept my focus and held on to the words of my senior Pastor, my Father and mentor.

Now here we are, inspite of all the devil tried to do Jesus will be lifted and sang all over the world!!” – Molly B



[easy_media_download url=”http://xclusivegospel.c=”″ force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]


Some may trust in horses, Some may trust in chariots.

But I do trust, in the name of our God

His word goeth forth with riches

And then it return to the earth.

I do trust in the name of our God

The name of our God is great and mighty, the name of our GOD is powerful. The name of our God is holy#

Jesus 4x

Some may trust in horses, Some may trust in chariots.

But I do trust, in the name of our God

Some may trust in horses, Some may trust in chariots.

But I do trust, in the name of our God

The name of our God is great and mighty, the name of our GOD is powerful. The name of our God is holy#

Jesus 4x

Whatever you say is who you are, whatever you do is what you are

Forever your name, remains the same


  1. Wow! Molly B, you rock God hand is upon you when listening to the song I felt grossbom all over me. Udy garki mkt

      1. I am looking for that track you did with pidgin. Something like “na your grace I nor fit shout”
        If I can get the link please

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