EbenNathaniel BasseyNEW MUSIC

AUDIO: Eben – No One Like You (feat Nathaniel Bassey) | @eben_rocks @nathanielblow


It is double the fire when two anointed gospel music generals come together to sing worship to God.

Worship ministers Eben and Nathaniel Bassey collaborate on this brand new worship song titled “No One Like You”. This soft solemn song of worship to God will inspire and pull you into an atmosphere of praise and worship to the almighty God.

Get stirred up by the voices of both anointed worshipers as we join God’s people all over the world to say to God, “No One Like You”.

Download, listen and be blessed.


[easy_media_download url=”https://xclusivegospel.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Eben-No-One-Like-You-feat-Nathaniel-Bassey.mp3″ force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]



Twitter | Instagram: @eben_rocks

Instagram: @nathanielblow



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