NEW MUSICNigerian Gospel Music

AUDIO: Moses Bliss – Count On Me | @itz_Mosesbliss

moses bliss

Moses Bliss is a Multi Talented Minister of Music with a Unique approach to Music. He is a prolific Song Writer, seasoned Worshipper, Music Director, Skilled Singer and Plays several Instruments.
He has released a couple of Singles  that has really gone far and wide, enjoying airplay and blessing lives.

This time around he is back with a song that is considered a message to the entire Body of Christ, For all who really wants to live for Jesus.

“I really want to appreciate God and the Holy Spirit for inspiring me to receive this song that changed my life, I got this song at the place of prayer, I was reminded of this Scripture: Psalm 67:2 (TLB)
Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind, it is a song of commitment to God, to take the Gospel of our lord Jesus to everyman, I thought to myself am I someone God can rely on? Am I available to carry out the biggest responsibility of every Christian; soul Winning? Can God really Count on Me? I asked myself.
Now I ask you as you download this song, Can God count on you to shine His light in the dark places? Can God count on you To be His Voice in this generation? Are you available to be used by God?
Are you among those God can Count on? will You make Heaven Proud?
Think about it.” – Moses Bliss says

Listen, download and share.


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Twitter: @itz_Mosesbliss


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