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Dunsin Oyekan – Fragrance To Fire | mp3 download

fragrance to fire

Fragrance To Fire” is a song by Nigerian gospel singer Dunsin Oyekan. The single “Fragrance to fire” and its live recorded video comes as his first song to come after his latest album, Kingdom Now. It was recorded live at The Covenant Nation, Lagos.

“Fragrance To Fire” is one of Dunsin Oyekan’s most popular songs since its release in 2020. Its an  upbeat pop rock song that kicks off with with pure excitement conveyed from a live audience.

It’s music is based on live music instruments such as the bass, guitars, violins and the drums, it also incorporates digital sounds such as the synths to give it a pumping feeling of electric conveyed through a live recording.

This amazing song will bless your heart instantly and well recorded musically, it will get you hooked and praising.

I sensed an urgency in my spirit to document and record this sound some weeks ago.” says Dunsin Oyekan

“With the recent development around the world, the plague and the scare that comes with it, there’s a need to release this sound to the Earth for such a time as this!!”


Listen to this, download and get the lyrics below.

[easy_media_download url=”″ force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]



{The Fragrance of my Worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, Thunderings, Earthquakes
Were the Response to my Worship
The Fragrance of my Worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, Thunderings, Lightnings
Were the Response to my Worship} x2

First, it was Fragrance
Then it Turned to Fire
My Worship is my Weapon
This is how I Win my Battle

This is how I Win, Win, Win
This is how I Win
The Smoke of my Worship
Released upon the Earth



  1. I’m Gabriel King (A gospel singer that sang I’m free). I love this song. It minister to me beyond my imagination. Dunsi, u re my mentor! I crave for this kind of anointing. God bless u sir. More grace,fresh oil and anointing. Love u sir.

  2. Dunedin is redefining gospel music. There is a marked shift from just symphony of melodies and voices to Power and anointing!
    Dunsin is a proponent of the latter.
    God bless and increase grace over you, minister Dunsin and thanks for being a blessing.

  3. I haven’t listened to the song but I know it is gonna be an incredible one,Minister Oyekan Dunsin is no doubt a blessing to this ruining generation and I pray that the Holy Spirit ministers to all through this as well,Amen……

  4. Song of Fire!!! Brother Dunsin on Fire!!! Thank you for always releasing this kind of songs to revive the listeners. God continue to use you for His glory…

  5. Thelord is really using u for greatness May dwell more in his presence may God bless you this is really spirit inspired

  6. This can be God only. I am blessed, all glory to God Almighty. Thank you Jesus for raising men such as this to bless my soul. My brother may your ministry move to the next level in Jesus Name

  7. This song is too spiritual infact I think there is a need for gospel artist to be producing such songs as fregrance to fire. The boss kudos to you men God actually backed you as at the time you made this song.

  8. Wonderful! Warfare Praise! It’s time everyone knew. Though we primarily praise and worship God for who He is Himself, and for what He has done for us and because we love Him, He moves to bless and help us as a result because He is pleased! His food is our Praise and worship so, when we give Him correct ones, His bellé dey sweet – He go com move and do glorious things.
    Secondly, we can purposely give Him praise for things we are expecting from Him when we have aligned ourselves with His Word, are confessing the Word and have asked in faith for His intervention, Hallelujah!!!
    This song is a bang!!!
    I love it.
    It is a powerful Call to Worship,
    A super incitement to praise,
    God bless you, Bro!
    May this song accomplish God’s purpose fully, Amen!

  9. What a song of hope! In did, a powerful weapon of spiritual war. Sir, God will continue to bless you in return for your great work.

  10. My worship is my weapon, this is how I win my battle. Indeed this song has made me win in all ramifications, thank you Sir,more anointing.

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